This poignant story (below) about a World War 2 bomber pilot and his “Pinnie the Wooh” bear mascot made me think about what mascots other people have.
The bear, named 'Pinnie The Wooh', flew with pilot, David Maltby, as his lucky mascot on all of his missions with Bomber Command. Maltby lost his life when he crashed in the North Sea in 1943 but the bear was recovered from the wreckage and put on display where Maltby’s father was headmaster.
My mascot is a little elephant called Jambo (Swahili for hello) that sits next to my laptop as I write, and on my dashboard when I travel. He is rather grubby and worn but very loved. Elephants are my favourite animals and I’m sure this little chap has a store of precious ideas that inspire me when most needed.
In my new novel the main protagonist has a lucky penknife that he carries.
Do you have a mascot or perhaps a ritual that helps you with your work?